In 1992, I was 17 years old when the first Presidential impeachment was conducted in Brazil. The ex-President Collor was accused of corruption and fraud in his election campaign.
In that moment I was almost an adult. I and most of Brazilian nation were paralyzed without knowing the future of our country. There were just few years that Brazil's democracy had been reestablished in 1985. For decades, Brazil had been governed by military presidents.
Right now, my daughter is observing her first process of Presidential impeachment. There are serious evidences that, in last Presidential election, the President manipulated Brazil´s budget to pay debts without Congress' authorization. It is a crime established in the Fiscal Responsibility Law. In fact, she postponed the occurrence of a great recession in our economy to after election's period so that she could be reelected.
For us, it was worst because the most of economics activities were stopped very fast and simultaneously. It was, therefore, responsible for a great inflation, lose of jobs, high interest rates and depreciation of real state.
To postpone the recession, the President manipulated Brazilian people to spend their savings to the point that there be almost no money in Families' saving deposited in bank accounts, according to data presented by Central Bank of Brazil. It will take a long time to families' savings recover and to authorities mitigate the side effects in our economy and life of citizens.
I wanna know how will be the country that my daughter will be raised from now on. We hope that this kind of crime doesn't occur again. All of this has a great impact on what we could afford to buy to her and, even more, which kind and excellence of education and healthcare that we could afford to pay for.
Actually, Brazilians citizens pay many taxes, but we don't receive good public schools and hospitals. The best ones up to high school are private, even though, nowadays, public services are better than it was in 1992. They are more comprehensive and are offered to more citizens wherever they live. The first step was almost reached: comprehensiveness. Urge now that services quality be improved as well.
In addition to fiscal crime, there are a lot of investigations where President´s party is accused of receiving illegal money to support political campaigns, which are paid as bribes in contracts established by public companies like Petrobras and Eletrobras.
Some guys were already arrested and condemned; some of them are billionaires owners of civil construction companies. They also presented a testimony saying that they donated a huge amount of illegal money to support presidential campaign of 2014 as well. These testimonies in some cases guarantee a reduction in their penalties.
If Electoral Superior Tribunal accept the veracity of the accusations, the current President can be ousted from power and maybe a new election will be necessary to choose a new President.
I don't want that my toddler faces this corruption scenario again. Right now she is too young to be keen on political issues. When she grows up, I wish she could look back and discover the great revolution that is taking place now.
So, it is very important that we, in the condition of her parents, to look for a solution to this problems. The most powerful weapon that we have is the vote. It is very important that we scrutinize candidates' life and their acts to choose just who is honest, and reliable.
Some of these crimes were presented publically before President's Election of 2014, but population didn't consider these evidences in their vote and the President was reelected. However, the President hasn't gotten enough support to approve her proposes to increase taxes and Budget since the beginning of her new mandate. In fact, Brazil has been paralyzed since 2015.
Another issue that is very important in Brazilian political model is the necessity of alternation of parties that get presidential power. If a party stays too long at the command, it will indicate the major part of Supreme Court's ministers. This would be the first step to establish a dictatorship, as we already had in Brazil. Nobody would be able to condemn the President and his political allies for their mistakes, corruption cases and crimes of responsibilities.
I do want fair play to my toddler. I hope that, once more, Brazil go to a better period. I do believe in its resilience.
My cute and smart daughter will be raised to be an antithesis of the majority of our country, considering that this majority elected our current President. I and my wife will work hard to teach her good principles and values. Besides, we will try to give good examples by acting in the right and polite way.