segunda-feira, 15 de agosto de 2016


Este vídeo do EdNerd, um personagem do Marcos Luque, é show. Para quem me conhece a mais tempo vai entender...ah ah ah

sábado, 30 de julho de 2016

Improving My Vocabulary

We are at Goiânia today. We intend to visit the newborn of my wife's cousin, Miguel, who is almost two months old.

During last weeks, I spent some time reading a book of Ernest Remighway. He received the Nobel Award of literature for the book The Old Man and the Sea.

I'm having a hard time to read it. First of all, he barely uses comma at his sentences. Sometime, it is difficult to understand and I'm obliged to re-read.

I have been trying to improve my English. So, reading books and listening Podcasts were the best ways that I found to improve it. Furthermore, I try to write at my diary in English.

I spent last years just reading technical books and newspaper's texts. So, I need to practice and remember a day-by-day English vocabulary.

In the future, We intend to travel abroad. My wife and my daughter are learning English as well.

Every week my daughter borrows some book from her school's library. Most of them introduces a familiar vocabulary. We read them to her, as she is only two years.

With the same purpose, I read a Book in French, Les Gens Heureux Lisent et Boivent du Café. My intention is to alternate a book in French and a book in English.

I'm accepting suggestions of books to read. It is not so easy to find printed English novels in Brasilia. Most of the time they are translated. I usually find some titles at bookstore Cultura.

28° Mostly Sunny
Goiânia, Goiás, Brasil

sexta-feira, 27 de maio de 2016

7th wedding anniversary

On last Saturday, we celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary. It was really amazing.

My mother in law stayed with us to take care of my daughter when I and my wife went out to dinner and to have some fun. We left at 8 pm.

I booked a table at restaurant Villa Tevere in advance. Our table was at the second floor, which was refrigerated by air conditioner. We were properly dressed using sport blazers. It was cold inside the building.

For entrance we ordered Neapolitan rissoles. The main dishes were two parmigiana filets with pesto risotto. For dessert, we ordered profiteroles with ice cream and chocolate syrup.

During the dinner, we renewed our wedding votes. As a magic, I did a solitaire ring to appear behind her ear. So I put it on her finger and I said some words about our past, about how important she was to me and to my daughter. She made a beautiful speech to me as well, she made special that moment with some key words.

After dinner, we passed by some points of Asa Sul's night, but nowhere catch too much our attention. Therefore, we went to Pontão of South Lake.

We spent some time together, close to each other, looking to the landscape: lake, garden and sky. We didn't stop in any bar or restaurant anymore.

At 12 pm we were back at home. Our daughter and my mother in law were sleeping. At the other day, she said that the night had been calm and that our daughter had slept the whole night since we left.

20° Overcast
Via HCE 1, Brasília, DF, Brasil

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sexta-feira, 13 de maio de 2016

My toddler has sinusitis

For those who don't know what is sinusitis, there is a video done by Khan Academy that explains clearly how it occurs.

What is sinusitis?

My little daughter has coughed since the 20th April. At first, we went to doctor pediatric. She prescribed an anti allergic medicine, which reduced some symptoms. However, the cough didn't stop

At last week, we went to an pediatric Otorhinolaryngologist. She prescribed an anti-inflammatory, but the cough persisted again.

Yesterday our daughter did some exams : X-ray of lungs and blood test. It is really difficult to convince a toddler to do this exams. She was afraid and cried a lot.

The technician that did the x-Ray didn't know anything about child psychology and terrified our daughter. My wife was obliged to deny what the technician was telling to my daughter. Actually, she said that she would apply a big injection if my daughter didn't stay calm and stop moving. She didn't realize that my daughter was two years old. The x-Ray was done when a second technician tried.
X-Ray results were pretty good, no secretion, but leucocytes in blood sample were in high level .

Therefore, the diagnosis was sinusitis.
It is bad to a toddler. The nose secretion goes straight to throat when she is sleeping, causing cough at the end of night.

For now, the doctor prescribed an antibiotic. She will take it for 10 days, twice a day, plus an medication anti inflammatory used in phytotherapy to improve body immunity.

25° Partly Cloudy

 Brasília, DF, Brasil

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segunda-feira, 9 de maio de 2016

Mother's Day and final match of Rio de Janeiro's Soccer Championship

For today, I ordered a breakfast basket to be delivered early at morning. It was a great surprise to my wife. I and my daughter gave the basket together with a card. Regarding the gift itself , we gave it in advance during the week. It was a blazer.
At lunch, I prepared myself our special meal of Mother's Day. We had salmon covered with toasted garlic and fettuccine with pesto sauce. Everybody liked it. My daughter repeated the salmon more then once.
During the afternoon, we put some painting stuffs at our terrace and stayed painting with our daughter on canvas and paper. Actually, she painted at our bodies as well.
It was really amazing. We had a great time and funny day.
At the end of afternoon, we watched on television the final match of Rio de Janeiro's Soccer Championship. I was trying to motivate my daughter to cheer to Botafogo.
The match was between Botafogo and Vasco. Botafogo made the first goal, but Vasco made one goal just a little bit later. The match broke even. And, as Vasco had won the previous game, it won the championship
At least, my daughter saw Botafogo's goal. She is lucky. When she was watching the game, Botafogo made a goal. After the goal, my wife took her to have a shower. She loved when I commemorated screaming. She is learning to cheer. I hope she will cheer to Botafogo.
Despite Botafogo's loss of the title, it was a great day.
24° Mostly Clear
Via AS 2, Brasília, DF, Brasil

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First School Presentation of my daughter at all

Since yesterday we have been commemorating Mother's Day. Yesterday we, my mother and my brother spent the whole morning at my daughter's school.

Her group was the second to perform a dance presentation. Her teacher rehearsed her group to this presentation on Thursday.

The presentation was really nice and my daughter was successful in each step of the presentation, what is a memorable achievement for her age. She is 28 months old. She danced, turned around, clapped her hands, gave a hug in her colleagues and put her hands on her back to say thanks to the audience, always guided by her teacher who was singing a music with their instructions in English, which is her second language. The school is bilingual.

After presentation, we had a picnic at school's garden. Most of student's families did it, what was a school's suggestion. We bought a picnic basket at school's canteen.

It was a really nice commemoration.

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Allergic rhinitis in children: symptoms and prevention

Rinite alérgica em crianças: sintomas e prevenção
Right now my daughters is in crisis.

Rinite alérgica em crianças: sintomas e prevenção

Os pais que têm filhos com já sabem. Vira-e-mexe o nariz da criança fica entupido e coça, ela espirra, tem pruridos na garganta e ouvido. Mas além desses sintomas mais comuns da alergia, estudos mostram que desconfortos como dor de cabeça, de ouvido e pressão facial também aparecem nas crianças que sofrem com o problema.

"Uma das consequências da alergia é inchar a mucosa da pele. Se esse inchaço acontece, por exemplo, na cavidade dos seios da face, há uma obstrução da saída do ar e das secreções dessa região, o que causa a pressão facial", diz Victor Nudelman, alergista infantil do Hospital Albert Einstein (SP).

Segundo Olavo de Godoy Mion, otorrinolaringologista do Hospital Santa Catarina (SP), a rinite crônica acaba trazendo ainda outros problemas para a criança. "Ouvido, nariz e garganta estão interligados. Se o nariz da criança está entupido, a sua comunicação com o ouvido fica afetada e podem surgir infecções e problemas de audição, por exemplo", afirma.

E, claro, essas manifestações da alergia prejudicam a qualidade de vida da criança. Como ela tem dificuldade para respirar, dorme mal, o que interfere em seu crescimento e no aprendizado escolar. Por isso, o ideal é ficar atento se esses sintomas surgirem e procurar um profissional o mais rápido possível.

O que é a rinite alérgica

A rinite é uma inflamação do nariz e das mucosas dos seios paranasais de origem alérgica. É uma reação às proteínas de seres biológicos, como o pólen e o pelo de animais. Mas há uma rinite que não é a alérgica, e sim irritativa por conta de um agente químico. "Quem não é alérgico não vai ter problema ao cheirar uma flor. Mas a fumaça de cigarro, por exemplo, vai gerar uma rinite independente de essa pessoa ter ou não alergia", diz Olavo.

Vale lembrar que a alergia pode surgir em qualquer momento da vida. Se a criança nasce com o gene para ter a reação, o problema vai se manifestar somente quando ela entrar em contato com o alérgeno. Porém, isso não acontece de uma hora para a outra. A doença vai se desenvolvendo aos poucos à medida em que há exposição ao que provoca sensibilidade.

O melhor quando se fala em alergia é a prevenção, ou seja, ficar longe do que a provoca. Mas isso não afasta a necessidade do uso de medicamentos em alguns casos. Uma dica do otorrinolaringologista é lavar todos os dias o nariz com soro fisiológico para dificultar o contato dos alérgenos com as mucosas.

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sábado, 7 de maio de 2016

Mother's Day at school

Tomorrow, our daughter will take part in a presentation commemorating Mother's Day at her school.

It will be really important to us. The school presented a a link to a teaser of students' preparation to the presentation. Our daughter was dancing there.

Actually, she told us each detail of her preparation. She said that she went to the stage and that she danced there, shaking her body during our conversation. It was amazing and cute.

We are looking forward to this day. I will make a movie and take some photos. My mother and my brother were invited.

28° Partly Cloudy
Via de Ligação SENE, Brasília, DF, Brasil

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quinta-feira, 21 de abril de 2016

Notes regarding my toddler's ability to concentrate and her first presidential impeachment.

On a sunny Sunday of April, the second process of presidential impeachment in Brazil was launched. Deputies began to vote at 5 pm and session went up to midnight.

My daughter stayed with us watching the votes until 8 pm, when she asked to sleep in her bed. Early on Monday, she would have classes and I would have to work.

We thought that she would be bored watching the deputies' votes, but she didn't. She stayed the whole time sitting on her chair while she was paying attention to it on TV. She is improving her concentration. She is only 28 months old.

The first time that we noticed that she was concentrating for a long period of time was when we watched The Good Dinosaur at a movie theater. Actually, it was the first time that we went to a movie theater with our daughter. She was 25 months old.

It is amazing to see her intellectual improvement. Every day she starts to pay attention to new things; things that she haven't noticed yet; things that had always been at her environment, however they had not attracted her curiosity yet before.

As a magic, just one click in her head and there it is: a whole new world with plenty of details to be questioned by her.

21° Mostly Clear
15.8007° S, 47.8789° W

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sábado, 16 de abril de 2016

Will Future of My Daughter be Jeopardized by corruption in Federal Government of Brazil?

In 1992, I was 17 years old when the first Presidential impeachment was conducted in Brazil. The ex-President Collor was accused of corruption and fraud in his election campaign.

In that moment I was almost an adult. I and most of Brazilian nation were paralyzed without knowing the future of our country. There were just few years that Brazil's democracy had been reestablished in 1985. For decades, Brazil had been governed by military presidents.

Right now, my daughter is observing her first process of Presidential impeachment. There are serious evidences that, in last Presidential election, the President manipulated Brazil´s budget to pay debts without Congress' authorization. It is a crime established in the Fiscal Responsibility Law. In fact, she postponed the occurrence of a great recession in our economy to after election's period so that she could be reelected.

For us, it was worst because the most of economics activities were stopped very fast and simultaneously. It was, therefore, responsible for a great inflation, lose of jobs, high interest rates and depreciation of real state.

To postpone the recession, the President manipulated Brazilian people to spend their savings to the point that there be almost no money in Families' saving deposited in bank accounts, according to data presented by Central Bank of Brazil. It will take a long time to families' savings recover and to authorities mitigate the side effects in our economy and life of citizens.

I wanna know how will be the country that my daughter will be raised from now on. We hope that this kind of crime doesn't occur again. All of this has a great impact on what we could afford to buy to her and, even more, which kind and excellence of education and healthcare that we could afford to pay for. 

Actually, Brazilians citizens pay many taxes, but we don't receive good public schools and hospitals. The best ones up to high school are private, even though, nowadays, public services are better than it was in 1992. They are more comprehensive and are offered to more citizens wherever they live. The first step was almost reached: comprehensiveness. Urge now that services quality be improved as well.

In addition to fiscal crime, there are a lot of investigations where President´s party is accused of receiving illegal money to support political campaigns, which are paid as bribes in contracts established by public companies like Petrobras and Eletrobras.

Some guys were already arrested and condemned; some of them are billionaires owners of civil construction companies. They also presented a testimony saying that they donated a huge amount of illegal money to support presidential campaign of 2014 as well. These testimonies in some cases guarantee a reduction in their penalties.

If Electoral Superior Tribunal accept the veracity of the accusations, the current President can be ousted from power and maybe a new election will be necessary to choose a new President.

I don't want that my toddler faces this corruption scenario again. Right now she is too young to be keen on political issues. When she grows up, I wish she could look back and discover the great revolution that is taking place now.

So, it is very important that we, in the condition of her parents, to look for a solution to this problems. The most powerful weapon that we have is the vote. It is very important that we scrutinize candidates' life and their acts to choose just who is honest, and reliable.

Some of these crimes were presented publically before President's Election of 2014, but population didn't consider these evidences in their vote and the President was reelected. However, the President hasn't gotten enough support to approve her proposes to increase taxes and Budget since the beginning of her new mandate. In fact, Brazil has been paralyzed since 2015.

Another issue that is very important in Brazilian political model is the necessity of alternation of parties that get presidential power. If a party stays too long at the command, it will indicate the major part of Supreme Court's ministers. This would be the first step to establish a dictatorship, as we already had in Brazil. Nobody would be able to condemn the President and his political allies for their mistakes, corruption cases and crimes of responsibilities.

I do want fair play to my toddler. I hope that, once more, Brazil go to a better period. I do believe in its resilience.

My cute and smart daughter will be raised to be an antithesis of the majority of our country, considering that this majority elected our current President. I and my wife will work hard to teach her good principles and values. Besides, we will try to give good examples by acting in the right and polite way.

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segunda-feira, 11 de abril de 2016

It is cool when a toddler calls your parent's names

Today we'll come back home from Goiânia by 4 pm. Our niece will go with us.

On this trip was established a mark in our daughter's development. Since the beginning of the week, she has talked more fluently and has spoken complete phrases more often.

Indeed, the most amazing is when she says my name and the name of her mother. We know that, since a long time ago, she has understood our names, however now she can externalize her feelings and what she desires. She used to call us only as daddy and mama.

Did you pay attention at the picture? When your daughter goes with you to buy an Easter Dove Bread ( Colomba Pascal, as we call it in Brazil) of Peppa and George, you will notice that she'll want to buy the whole stock. Children really love this cartoon. And, moreover, as it is close to previous Easter, we had to buy a cup decorated with bunnies. Our daughter loves them as well.

We arrived at home at 7:30 pm. There was a big traffic jam near the Federal Road Police's office in Goiânia. Actually, some cars broke down and, to make it worst, the police blocked one way of the road to force drivers go slowly.

We hope police will not keep on doing this every Sunday afternoon. Otherwise, it will be better come back later.

23° Mostly Sunny
Alameda das Paineiras, 0B33000, Goiânia, GO, Brasil

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sexta-feira, 8 de abril de 2016

Entertaining a toddler on a trip

Did you pay attention to the picture at the previous post. It is a work of art (oeuvre d'art) done by my little daughter. She loves painting and plays with gouache and paint-brush.

She paints on canvas because we want to expose them at our house. Moreover, it is cute to observe when she paints on canvas.

Today we will travel to Goiânia at night. Actually, we wants to go earlier, cause, after 4 pm, there is a big traffic jam to leave Brasília. It wasn't always like this. It got worst when it was created a path exclusive to buses without building an extra one. On Fridays, all people go out by car to have lunch and to have happy hour with friends.

Today our niece will travel with us. We are her godfathers. She moved to Brasília at the beginning of the year.

So, we will travel with two children. Our niece is 8 years old and stays most of the time playing with our two years old daughter.

Usually, when we travel with children, we take with us some entertainment objects: toys, portable Dvd players, story books and children's music cd. It is very important to keep them occupied to avoid them to be bored.

When we travel alone, our daughter often sleeps in most of the trip. However, it is important to take with us other alternatives and ludic toys.

At the end, we leaved at 5 pm. We tried a shortcut but it wasn't very successful. A big train stopped us, take a look at the photo. The shortcut goes though a railway. We arrived at my mother in law by 9 pm, after ours niece mother take her. 

30° Mostly Sunny
SMPW Quadra 3, Brasília, DF, Brasil

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terça-feira, 5 de abril de 2016

How difficult is it to make a Toddler drink some tea

Our daughter has been sick since last night. In half a hour after going to sleep, she threw up.

She is having problems with Pediasure. It is offered in 3 flavors: chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. Chocolate is causing an allergic process in her skin, red dots appear around her mouth; and vanilla makes her throw up.

Yesterday she had vanilla. Once more, she threw up. We spent almost one hour to make her calm and to start sleeping again.

Today she is feverish, and, after breakfast, she threw up again. My mother advised us to prepare some teas to her: "erva-doce" and "capim-cidreira".

My wife offered tea in a squeeze bottle, but she refused. She tried again to offer the tea in a baby bottle, our daughter didn't even tried it. For last, she gave the tea in a tea spoon.

She is sleeping right now.

We have plans to go to Goiânia on next week. My vacation ends up today . So, if she gets better, we will visit my mother at afternoon. Otherwise, we will stay a long period without visiting her.

Despite the facts pointed in my previous posts, our daughter is sweet. She barely cries and most of the time she obeys us. she is learning a lot of new stuffs and is very keen on learning new nice stuffs. However, there are exceptions that deserve a reflection about, just to improve our strategy and way to deal with these little problems.

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sexta-feira, 1 de abril de 2016

Our Toddler's Reactions when Was Suffering Frustation During Our Trip to Caldas Novas and Rio Quente

We left Caldas Novas yesterday at 12:45 am. At 5 pm we arrived at home.

The road that we choose to travel was not the best choice. For those who don't know Brazil, it is quite easy to find holes at Brazilian streets and roads, especially, after the raining period. Brazilian streets are built only with asphalt, it is not used a layer of concrete above it. With asphalt, car's tires have a longer life and the construction of roads is cheaper and faster.

In fact, our itinerary passed by secondary state streets which offer a shorter distance, 301 km. The second path, which passes through Goiânia and through federal roads, would take 400 km. Usually, federal roads are better and safer.

Our daughter had a good time at our vacation. When the messenger of the hotel came to carry our luggage, our daughter started crying. She didn't want to leave. At that moment, my wife talked her that we were leaving, but we could return on the next vacation. At first, the strategy didn't work at all, but she kept up talking until my daughter feels better.

In fact, children don't have future perspective. Therefore, when their present is nice, they are afraid to lose it.

The same behavior pattern repeated all over the trip. At Hot Park, she was afraid to lose the waves and sand of the thermal artificial beach. She delighted with the ups and downs. Actually, we were surprised that she was not afraid of the beach, she wanted to be by herself without no support of us.
At the moment that we took her out, she cried again and said that she didn't want to go out.

For me and my wife, the trip was nice. It is very satisfying to notice our daughter appreciating her new experiences as well.

Avenida Santo Amaro, Caldas Novas, GO, Brasil

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terça-feira, 29 de março de 2016

Vacation and Our Method to Persuade Our Little Daughter

We are almost there, but the whole world is coming back home after Easter Holiday.
We can't stand places too crowded. Luckily, Caldas Novas will be empty for the next four days when we will stay there.

In fact, crowded places are not practical to deal with toddlers. The effort necessary to deal with them would be hugely greater in this condition.
Our daughter is very active and, in some moments, she doesn't obey us. When there are other people, it is more difficult to convince her to do the right thing. We have been trying to improve our ability to persuade her.

Sometimes my wife adopts an energetic attitude with her. We never apply physical punishments as an education method. In fact, assertiveness and firmness are working quite good with our daughter.

Once she tried to hit us, but my wife was firm and emphatic with her. Although she is only two years old, we know that she is able to understand
most of our conversation, so it is not a waste of time to talk with her about what is wrong and right.

At 2:40 pm, we made check-in at hotel. Let's have a deserved rest now

22° Scattered Storms
GO-139, Caldas Novas, GO, Brasil

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Toddler's Swimming Classes

At the far end, the last hill is Caldas Novas' Hill. In a few minutes, we will arrive over there.

Caldas Novas is under a thermal groundwater table. There are a lot of thermal resorts and hotels where beautiful water parks are offered to their guests.

My daughter loves pools. At January, we enrolled her in swimming classes. She loves the class style, its routine and her teacher.

We do think that it will be very important to her physical development and wellness.

At the firsts classes, she was afraid to diving, but , after few classes, she got used to it and now she loves diving. Actually, she always asks to repeat more and more.

This is not her first experience with water resorts. When she was 20 months old, we went to Pireneus' Inn Resorts at the inner part of Goiás state of Brazil. She loved playing with most of its attractions.

In Rio Quente, a city near by Caldas Novas, there is a park called Hot Park. It has an artificial beach with thermal waters, sand and waves. We scheduled to go there by tomorrow. It will be amazing.

We are looking forward to arrive there. It will be a pretty good vacation.

22° Scattered Storms
GO-139, Caldas Novas, GO, Brasil

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sábado, 26 de março de 2016

Good Friday and Toddler classes

Good Friday

We wake up early, had breakfast and went to my mother's house, by bike, just to cut a fish in slices to do a "moqueca" for family lunch.

Before lunch, we put together ours packs and luggage to travel to Goiânia and Caldas Novas.

At lunch time at my mother's house, we met my brothers and their families. It was awesome. For lunch, we had "moqueca" and roasted "Tambaqui", for complement there were "farofa" of carrot and smashed potato and rice.

Children's education was the main issue that we talked about: which school they are enrolled, educational methodologies adopted by their schools and how was their adaptation to scholar routine.

In our case specially, we choose a bilingual Canadian school. So, we emphasized its class routine, our so far perception of school methodology and progress of our daughter's learning. We said that at her age, it is expected to develop social habits and speaking fluency. She is two years old and goes to Toddler classes.

Furthermore, it was nice to say that school staff always say that she is very independent. She wants to do every thing by herself. For instance, before classes start at the beginning of the year, she didn't wear diapers anymore.

At school, she is learning English vocabulary. As a complement, she already does homework. Every week, she chooses a book in English to borrow. We show the pictures and read the story to her. It is very important to improve her vocabulary.

We left my mother's house at 16:15 pm to go to my mother-in-law's apartment at Goiânia.

The journey was not so calm. It was raining during all the time. We made a pause in Jeriva diner to have dinner. I had Jerê of cod and orange juice. We arrived at 7:20 pm.

26° Nearby Thunderstorms
Anápolis, GO, Brasil

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quarta-feira, 16 de março de 2016

War against Brazilian way of doing politics

It is incredible how politics is conducted in Brazil's public sector. A great part of contracts signed have been manipulated to guarantee a bribe to public employees and politicians. Almost all big deals done by Federal Government are suspicious of overpricing and irregularities at its execution.

At the last years, Brazilian prevention institutions have conducted several actions with the goal to identify corruptions cases, but the biggest one has been conducted since 2014: operation Car Wash. Several irregularities in Petrobras contracts were found out.

The list of irregularities at Petrobras is huge: overpricing at Pasadena/US refinery acquisition and Abreu e Lima refinery at Brazil, and a lot more.

The amount of money involved with all bribes ramp up to billions of dollars. As an example, only one big construction company is accused to have gotten improperly R$ 7 billions. Some public employees have already been condemned and were obliged to give back money found by Brazilian prosecution institutions at offshore bank accounts.

Right now it seems that only a small part of crimes has been unveiled. Every week new special operations are conducted by Federal Police revealing new bribery strategies and new transgressors.

Brazilian citizens hope that it is the beginning of a new era, that Brazil will be a good place to doing business and that public elections will be more fair.

24° Mostly Cloudy

domingo, 28 de fevereiro de 2016

Ramp-up Brazilian Corruptions Cases

New cases of corruption in Brazil are ramping up. Federal Police, Brazilian Office of General Comptroller (CGU) and Public Prosecutors are working hard to identify and punish all kind of misuse and fraud with public budget.

Nowadays there are 13 years that the actual political party and its allies are conducting our country. All kind of fraud have been refined and a huge amount of money has been transferred illegally abroad to offshore accounts.

Lenience accords have been stablished with companies and public employees that are arrested. These accords are a manner to identify and extinguish the whole chain of robbery that have been stablished in this country since 2003. Damages can be mitigates as well.

Brazilian institutions have a rough job to be done. All of them are been bumping up against a strong resistance and lobby of politicians that are investigated and mentioned by press.

What we see is that the justice is slow and doesn't punish timely. In fact, the best way to take out power of these politicians and parties is by vote. At 2016, there will take place polls to choose mayors, states' deputies and counties' legislative representatives.